Craft Brewing Test Kit

Craft Brewing Test Kit

Product Number: 2559835


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Multi-parameter Kit tailored for craft brewery applications

This test kit was developed specifically to meet the needs of the craft brewer. The kit tests water quality parameters critical to supporting fermentation and monitoring source water contaminants that affect beer flavor stability.


Tests Free and Total Chlorine, Calcium and Hardness, Alkalinity, pH, temperature, sulfate, specific gravity, and chloride.

Free & Total Chlorine by colour disc
Calcium & Hardness - by digital titrator
Alkalinity - by digital titrator
pH& Temperature - by Pocket Pro digital pH tester & thermometer
Sulfate - by turbidimetric method
Chloride - by test strip
Specific Gravity - by refractometer

The Kit is based in part on the science behind the included John Palmers book, Water: A Comprehensive guide for Brewers.

Extensive manual and guide coaches brewers through testing source water for parameters which affect the taste of your beer

Uses a mix of proven Hach methods

The right mix of Hach methods gives you exactly what you need for accurate results in each parameter - no more, no less.

Digital titrator and Pocket Pro deliver precise measurements

Hach's digital titrator platform and Pocket Pro pH/temperature measurement give accurate, repeatable results for your brewing process
