Test Kits & Strips


Simple and reliable results for a wide range of water test needs

Water test kits from Hach® are designed to reliably monitor a diverse range of water testing needs across a variety of applications. Our water test kits offer simple yet effective methods for analyzing key parameters such as pH, chlorine levels, hardness, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and more. With user-friendly testing procedures and reliable results, Hach water testing kits empower users to make informed decisions about water safety and quality. From water test strips for on-the-go testing to comprehensive laboratory-grade water test kits for detailed analysis, Hach has the right solution for to help you take control of your water testing needs.

Single-Parameter Test Kits

Our test kit's color disc method offers low-cost, fast, reliable results in an easy-to-carry kit. Available for a wide range of parameters.

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Multi-Parameter Test Kits

Multi-parameter test kits from Hach offer simple and accurate methods for water analysis. Utilizing drop count titration and color disc methods, these kits deliver fast, reliable results.

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Water Test Strips

Designed to reliably monitor a diverse range of water testing needs, our water test strips are available for a wide range of residential, industrial or municipal applications.

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Digital Titrator Kits

The Hach Digital Titrator offers exceptional precision and accuracy. Combining high-precision dispensation technology with concentrated titrant cartridges, it ensures reliable analyses in laboratories, industrial plants, and field locations.

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Your selection

  • Test Kits & Strips

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Fish Farming Test Kit Model FF-1A, Nine-Parameter Test Kit
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Combined Ecology Test Kit, Model AL-36B
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Hydrogen Sulfide Color Disc Test Kit, Model HS-WR
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Arsenic Dual Range Test Kit
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Stream Survey Test Kit
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Pool Master Test Kit
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Millipore SDI Testing Kit
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Storm Water Test Kit, Model SW-1
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Saltwater Aquaculture Test Kit, Model FF-3
This product is eligible for a recurring order.
Deluxe water conditioning demonstration test kit, model AD-16E
This product is eligible for a recurring order.