Beer bottles in an automated filling line.

Craft Brewing for Beverage Industry

Hach and Brewers:
Better Beer, Better Analysis

Hach® has been helping the brewing industry for decades and we know that quality is key. It matters not just at the end of your line but more importantly, when and where your customer takes the first sip. As a craft brewer, the quality of your beer, along with flavor stability and shelf life, is critical to your brand and your overall business.

Which instrument is right for you? Click here to explore your options.

A group discussion around a conical fermenter.

Brewing chemist working on a computer.

As your quantity production increases, take the hassle out of maintaining your quality.

  • Improve beer clarity and flavor

  • Produce more beer by increasing batches through your fermenter and avoid off flavors

  • Ensure your bitterness flavor profiles are precisely what you intend

  • Provide proper nutrients for yeast cells

  • Meet your shelf life requirements

See how Hach can help increase your shelf life through accurate TPO analysis. Explore Hach Brewing Products

Hach Orbisphere 3100 Portable Oxygen Analyzer

Hach Orbisphere 3100 Portable Oxygen Analyzer

The Hach Orbisphere 3100 Portable Oxygen Analyzer ensures measurement accuracy in detecting small or large oxygen pick-ups across the brewing process. It's built to travel with you, measure where you need it most and can handle the extremes you encounter in your everyday brewing processes. Rely on the Orbisphere both for process grab sample checks of in-line instrumentation and for overall DO control in your craft brewery.

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Hach DR6000 Spectrophotometer with Brewery Analysis Application Software for MEBAK or ASBC

The DR6000™ provides confidence in your quality testing and measures key brewing parameters, including color, VDK, bitterness, FAN and total polyphenols – with preprogrammed MEBAK and ASBC methods to ensure the best product quality and taste of your beer. The Brewery Analysis Package software upgrade contains 12 specific brewery assays that conveniently upload via USB to a DR6000.

The DR6000 Spectrophotometer connects to Claros™, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to connect and manage your lab analysis data, which can help you guide your process and quality control anytime, anywhere. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiencies in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.

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The DR6000 Spectrophotometer connects to Claros™ , Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime.

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