Nitratax clear sc 5 mm Flo Thru with SC200 Controller

Nitratax clear sc 5 mm Flo Thru with SC200 Controller

Product Number: 2984400


UV analysis--the reagent-free alternative

Nitratax clear sc Sensor must be connected to a SC200 Universal Controller to form a complete system.


UV Analysis Eliminates Reagents, Sampling, and Sample Conditioning

Using advanced ultraviolet (UV) absorption technology, Hach NITRATAX sc UV Nitrate Sensors offer unprecedented simplicity, accuracy, and economy in nitrate analysis. By continuously measuring the UV light absorbed by nitrates, NITRATAX sc sensors eliminate the need for reagents, sample conditioning, and frequent calibrations.

Optional Bypass Panel

An optional Bypass Panel or flow-through sample cell is available for clean water applications when direct immersion in Optional Bypass Panel a sample stream is impractical. The Bypass Panel uses the same probes as the immersion sensors for greater flexibility.

Choice of Three Models

NITRATAX plus sc Process sensor for continuous measurement in drinking water, wastewater, or activated sludge. Turbidity compensation using reference measurement. NITRATAX eco sc low cost sensor for measurement, especially for sewage treatment plants with intermittent aeration technology. Turbidity compensation using reference measurement. NITRATAX clear sc Process sensor for continuous measurement in clean water such as drinking water or wastewater effluent.

Self-Cleaning Sensor

With the sensor submerged in the sample stream, the detector windows are automatically cleaned by a built-in wiper that eliminate surface films or particles that can diminish accuracy.
