APA6000 Alkalinity Reagent 1, Acid Titrant, 1L

APA6000 Alkalinity Reagent 1, Acid Titrant, 1L

Product Number: 2826153

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The APA6000 Alkalinity Process analyzer uses five reagents each of which is supplied in a 1L bottle designed to provide reagents for 30 days of continuous use. APA Alkalinity Reagent 1 (2826153) is an acid titrant that reacts with the alkalinity in the sample. APA Alkalinity Reagent 2 (2696653) is an indicator used to determine the endpoints of the titration. APA Alkalinity Standards 1 and 2 (6001100) are used together to perform a multiple point calibration. The fifth reagent, APA Alkalinity Cleaning Solution (2697053), cleans the system during the Prime and Instrument Clean functions.
