AV9000S with bare wires for use with FL1500 Flow Meter

AV9000S with bare wires for use with FL1500 Flow Meter

Product Number: 9504601

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Hach AV9000 Analyzer Module

By pairing Hach’s Submerged AV Sensor with our state-of-the-art Hach AV9000 Analyzer Module, you create a powerful Hach Submerged Area Velocity Meter (FL900AV) which provides “cleaner,” more precise data than ever before.


Improved Accuracy

The AV9000 Area Velocity Analyzer module is compensated for temperature, thus eliminating potential velocity errors of 2.7% over a 10ºC seasonal swing*. Its advanced multi-scale digital Doppler analysis provides the optimal combination of resolution and noise immunity. Mirror Image Processing™ eliminates sign errors and the advanced Target Set Processing™ reduces the impact of dominant targets (particles) in the stream to deliver a more representative velocity.
