DR 3800™ Benchtop Spectrophotometer

DR 3800™ Benchtop Spectrophotometer

Product Number: DR3800-01


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DR 3800™ Benchtop Spectrophotometer

DR 3800 Benchtop Spectrophotometer


High-Speed Wavelength Scanning

The Hach DR 3800 Benchtop spectrophotometer features full-range wavelength scanning from 320-1100 nm. Use this feature to develop custom methods or maintain consistency of colored products.

Large Color Touch Screen Interface

The color display allows instant identification of alerts and easy comparison of overlayed graphical data. The touch screen interface is intuitive to use, minimizing the need to reference the user manual.

Easily Compare Lab and Process Measurement Data

Optional LINK2SC® Software allows data from an sc1000 digital controller to be displayed with laboratory readings. Irregularities can be quickly identified and investigated, preventing fines or unnecessary addition of excess treatment chemicals.

On-Screen Help Guide

Popular Hach and TNTplus working procedures are available with just a touch of the screen. Viewing step-by-step instructions from within the selected program reduces errors and eliminates the need for printed procedures.

More than 240 Analytical Methods and Chemistries

The DR 3800 can be used for more than 240 analytical methods. (Test parameters are listed on page 3.) These methods include more than 30 TNTplus™ reagent vial tests that provide innovative barcode labeling for reliable, automatic method detection. All of the chemistries and supplies needed for these tests are available from Hach.

Use a USB Memory Stick to Update the Instrument or Transfer Data

Easily update DR 3800 spectrophotometer systems and transfer measurement data with a USB memory stick. Use it to stay current as Hach releases new test methods and chemistries. Two USB ports on the instrument allow for a computer to be connected in one port, when used with Hach DataTrans™ Software, while the other is used to connect the spectrophotometer to a memory device or hand-held bar code scanner.
