Hach BioTector B3500dw Online TOC analyzer, 0 - 25 mg/L C, 1 stream, 115 V AC

Hach BioTector B3500dw Online TOC analyzer, 0 - 25 mg/L C, 1 stream, 115 V AC

Product Number: DWACAA152AAA2

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Hach BioTector B3500dw TOC Analyzer

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Maximum uptime and reliability for TOC analysis in drinking water applications

The Hach BioTector B3500dw, with patented, EPA drinking water method approved Two Stage, Advanced Oxidation Technology, provides accurate results you can be confident in, and gives you maximum reliability and uptime for drinking water applications. The analyzer typically requires maintenance only twice a year for standard items like reagent replenishment, pump tube replacement and calibration, making it an affordable TOC analyzer option.

Because the analyzer body has one of the most compact analyzer footprints available, plants can free up critical wall space that can be used for other instruments. The B3500dw typically requires reagent replenishment only once every six months instead of bi-weekly or monthly, plus the analyzer has the ability to monitor two streams at the same time, and calculate % TOC removal eliminating the need for two separate analyzers. The result is accurate, low cost analysis you can rely on.

With maximum reliability and uptime along with low operating costs, the B3500dw provides immediate, direct savings and is the industry’s choice when it comes to TOC analysis for drinking water applications.

Many additional versions available on request.


  • Membrane Protection
  • Surface Water

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Rock solid reliability

With patented, EPA method approved Two Stage Advanced Oxidation Technology, the self-cleaning sample reactor of B3500dw delivers maximum reliability.

Lowest cost of ownership

With its 99.86% uptime, semi-annual maintenance and reagent replenishment is all that is needed.

Secure your source water

TSAO technology analyzes organics in your source that are invisible to scanning UV technologies.

