Product Number: LXV525.97KTO061
The Next Standard in Chlorine Analysis
Providing the easy to integrate and upgrade SC4500 controller with the new CL17sc that has uprgaded features, reduced maintenance and predictive diagnostics software.
The CL17sc reduces your routine maintenance touch time with programmable alerts, simplified tubing replacement, and step-by-step maintenance instructions.
With upgraded features like a flow meter, colorimeter window, multi-color status light, and predictive diagnostic software, you know your instrument is operating as intended.
The familiar experience of a modern touchscreen, the ability to use your current Hach sensors, and the same footprint as the SC200, make installation and integration of the SC4500 Controller seamless.
The SC4500's built-in predictive diagnostic software ensures measurement confidence and reduces the risk of unexpected equipment downtime by enabling proactive maintenance planning via MSM, including step-by-step instructions.