One Reagent Stock Solution

One Reagent Stock Solution

Product Number: 9459400

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The only reagent required to measure TOC with the QbD1200

The One Reagent Stock Solution is a concentrated mixture of phosphoric acid (to aid in removal of CO2 from solution) and ammonium persulfate (to aid in oxidizing organic compounds). This concentrated stock solution is diluted (simply 1:100) and poured into the QbD1200 TOC Analyzer’s Reagent Bottle. The instrument automatically adds the diluted mixture to each sample and standard prior to oxidation, but it also uses it to dilute samples (if needed) and rinse sample lines. This is the only reagent required to perform your TOC measurements!

QbD1200 concentrated reagent solution contains phosphoric acid and ammonium persulfate.


  • Groundwater
  • Municipal Water
  • Surface Water