Phosphorus (Reactive) TNT Reagent Set, Low Range

Phosphorus (Reactive) TNT Reagent Set, Low Range

Product Number: 2742545




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For determination of Reactive Phosphorus (ortho-phosphate) by the PhosVer® 3 Ascorbic Acid Test 'N Tube™ method. Hach Method 8048. Range: 0.06 - 5.00 mg/L PO4. Set includes: PhosVer® 3 Phosphate Reagent Powder Pillows and Reactive Phosphorus Test 'N Tube Dilution Vials for up to 50 tests.

Did You Know Your Hach Spectrophotometer Can Do This?

You may already have a TOC Analyzer in your lab!

If you already have a Hach spectrophotometer in your lab, you’re equipped to measure over 200 pre-programmed methods. Using Hach TNT reagents, your water testing can be:

  • Faster
  • More Accurate
  • Safer
  • Easier

Shop for Hach spectrophotometers.

Explore TNT and TNTPlus chemistries, and learn which methods you could start testing today.


Test 'N Tube products provide safe, convenient testing

Capped 16-mm vials provide a self-contained package for mixing and measurement.

Easy ordering

All necessary reagents and vials are contained in the package.
