Phosphorus (Total) TNT Reagent Set, High Range Molybdovanadate

Phosphorus (Total) TNT Reagent Set, High Range Molybdovanadate

Product Number: 2767245




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For determination of Total Phosphorus (phosphate) by the Molybdovanadate Test 'N Tube™ Method.
Hach Method 10127. Range: 1.0 - 100.0 mg/L PO4
Set includes vials and reagents for 25-50 tests (dependent upon the number of reagent blank tests performed).


Test 'N Tube products provide safe, convenient testing

Capped 16-mm vials provide a self-contained package for mixing and measurement.

Easy ordering

All necessary reagents and vials are contained in the package.

Perform digestions and photometric measurements in the same vial.

Save time, space and effort.
