PhosVer® 3 Phosphate Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL, pk/1000

PhosVer® 3 Phosphate Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL, pk/1000

Product Number: 2106028

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Hazardous Materials

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For determination of reactive (ortho) phosphate (phosphorus) by the PhosVer® 3 ascorbic acid method.
USEPA accepted for reporting for wastewater analysis using Hach Method 8048, Phosphorus, Reactive.
Also used in acid-hydrolyzable and total phosphorus determination, after appropriate digestion.
Sample Size: 10 mL Pack of 1000 powder pillows.

> To confirm accurate results, see appropriate standard solutions on the Consumables tab.


  • Groundwater
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Municipal Water
  • Potable Water