Radiometer Analytical REF421 Reference Electrode (calomel reference, screw cap)

Radiometer Analytical REF421 Reference Electrode (calomel reference, screw cap)

Product Number: E21M004

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The Radiometer REF421 Reference Electrode has a glass body, calomel reference system, refillable electrolyte (sat. KCl), and porous pin junction. The REF421 reference probe can be used in a variety of sample types. The REF421 is a screw cap electrode and requires an external connection cable for connection to a meter.


  • Municipal Water
  • Primary Treatment
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Surface Water


The right probe for your application.

To meet your analysis needs, Radiometer Analytical reference electrodes are available with a variety of reference systems and liquid junctions. There is a Radiometer electrode for every application.
