Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Reagent Set, LR

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Reagent Set, LR

Product Number: 2760345



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For determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by the Low Range Test 'N Tube™ method.
Hach Method 10129. Range: 0.3 - 20.0 mg/L C
Set includes digestion vials and reagents for 25-50 tests (dependent upon the number of reagent blank tests performed).
Requires digestion.



The Hach TOC method requires only a fraction of the investment and operational costs of a conventional TOC analyzer.

Easy to use

Only minimal training is required to perform the method.


The Hach TOC method correlates well to regulatory-approved instrumental methods on natural waters, drinking water, and wastewater samples.


Prepared reagents are contained in screw-capped vials to reduce laboratory waste and associated disposal problems.
