Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride Solution (TTC) 1% 100 mL

Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride Solution (TTC) 1% 100 mL

Product Number: 2406042

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Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) is a versatile redox indicator used in cell viability assays. Redox reactions, essential for energy capture and ATP generation in cells, involve electron transfer between chemical species. In these reactions, one species is oxidized while another is reduced.

When reduced by cellular enzymes, TTC forms a red formazan product, providing clear and measurable results for cell viability and metabolic activity. Only living cells can reduce TTC, making it a reliable indicator. Its versatility suits various biological and biochemical research needs, ensuring precise and dependable results.

TTC is a trusted choice for researchers, offering reliability and versatility in cell viability assays.
