Product Number: LXV525.97KTO042
The next standard in the evolution of turbidity
The ISO compliant TU5 Series® platform employs a unique optical design that sees more of your sample than any other turbidimeter, delivering the best low level precision and sensitivity while minimizing variability between measurements. For the first time you will be able to remove uncertainty of which measurement to trust between your lab and process instruments, thanks to identical 360° x 90° Detection® Technology in any TU5 Series turbidimeter
The TU5300sc Low Range Laser Turbidimeter dramatically reduces the time needed to get a turbidity measurement you can rely on. A stable laser light source eliminates the need for annual lamp replacements. The turbidimeter’s measurement surface area has been reduced by 98%, allowing you to save time cleaning. An automatic cleaning module is available that keeps your instrument clean, reducing the amount of time spent cleaning the instrument ever further. All of this, along with the ability to measure to 2 mNTU, gives you the next standard in the evolution of turbidity.
Only the new TU5 Series Lab & Process Turbidimeters with 360° x 90° Detection deliver unprecedented confidence that a change in your reading is a change in your water.
The TU5 Series employs a patented optical design that sees more of your sample than any other turbidimeter, delivering the best low level precision and sensitivity while minimizing variability from test to test.
For the first time you will be able to remove the uncertainty of which measurement to trust, thanks to identical 360° x 90° Detection Technology in both instruments.
The TU5 Series dramatically reduces the time needed to get a turbidity measurement you can rely on, with 98% less online sample surface area to clean, sealed vials for calibration, and the elimination of the need for indexing and silicone oil in the lab. Not to mention, a smaller online sample volume means you will detect events almost immediately.
Prognosys™ monitors your TU5 Series online instrument, proactively alerting you to maintenance needs before your measurement becomes questionable. And a Hach Service Agreement protects your investment and helps ensure that you stay in compliance and on budget.