An EZ Series Online Analyzer with colorful smoke in the background.

CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyzer

The Next Standard in Reliable, Real- time Chlorine Analysis

The industry standard Hach CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyzer uses colorimetric DPD chemistry to continuously monitor water for free or total chlorine. The CL17sc will operate unattended for 30 days and is compliant with US EPA regulation 40 CFR 141.74.

Monthly routine maintenance for the CL17sc can be performed in a few minutes, including changing reagents and cleaning the colorimetric cell. No special tools are required, and step- by- step, on-screen instructions for all routine maintenance activities give you the confidence that you performed the task correctly without missing any key steps.

The CL17 Family of Products

CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyzer

CL17sc product image

The industry standard Hach CL17sc Chlorine Analyzer uses colorimetric DPD chemistry to continuously monitor water for free or total chlorine. Also suitable for permanganate residual measurements.

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Ultra Low Range CL17sc Chlorine Analyzer

Ultra Low Range CL17sc product image

Whether you're treating utility water, product water, or wastewater discharge, the Ultra Low Range CL17sc provides the direct chlorine measurements you need to optimize your process. You’ll be able to protect valuable assets and report to regulatory agencies with confidence.

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CL17 Chemistries & Reagents

CL17 Chemistries and Reagents

Whether you’re using the DPD, amperometric or iodometric method, we offer a wide range of reagents for easy and precise chlorine measurement with the CL17sc.

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Single Parameter Monitoring Panel

Single Parameter Monitoring Panel with SC4500 and CL17sc

Our preassembled, ready-to-use single parameter chlorine panels streamline the process between purchasing and startup—offering the CL17sc Chlorine Analyzer and SC4500 Controller in the convenience of one panel.

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Be confident in your data and efficient in your operations with instruments that connect to Claros, the Water Intelligence System.

Additional Chlorine Products

Portable Chlorine Analyzers

Portable Chlorine Analyzers

Both lightweight and durable, Hach porta-ble chlorine instruments provide reliable, hassle-free, on-the-go measurement in even the most challenging conditions.

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Online Chlorine Analyzers

Online Chlorine Analyzers

Whether you’re treating utility water, product water, or wastewater discharge, Hach’s online chlorine analyzers deliver accurate and reliable measurements of free or total residual chlorine.

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Free and Total Chlorine Reagents

Free and Total Chlorine Reagents

Whether you’re using the DPD, amperometric or iodometric method, we offer a wide range of reagents for easy and precise chlorine measurement.

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Chlorine Test Kits

Chlorine Test Kits

Get fast results for free or total chlorine testing with kits available for a variety of applications including drinking water and pool water.

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Sensors and Controllers

Chlorine Sensors and Controllers

Highly adaptable to handle a variety of applications and parameters, Hach sensors and controllers ensure accurate and efficient chlorine measurement

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