The more you spend, the more Hach Cash you earn to spend in 2025.
Offer valid on orders from November 12th to December 31, 2024. Orders must be scheduled to ship on or before December 31, 2024. Does not apply to orders or projects with future ship dates. Minimum order value of $500.
To redeem, enter code WATER2024 at checkout. This offer CAN be combined with our other offers.
Order subtotal to spend now, gets this Hach Cash:
Promotional code will be emailed to the purchasing order contact in January 2025. Hach Cash earned must be spent during the acceptance window from January 8,2025 to March 31, 2025. Hach Cash redemption must not exceed 50% of order subtotal. (Example: $1,000 order is the minimum subtotal to redeem $500 Hach Cash.)
Terms and Conditions: